Monday, July 28, 2014

revised letter to mission president

1. How are you increasing in "wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man?"
This week, I have realized a lot how much I actually have grown. On monday we picked up Hna. Fotu. It's been interesting seeing how I influenced both of the companions I trained. It's comforting to know that I gave both of them a good start. Also, I have started working on my final letter (a fancy handwritten letter I have to write to President Ames before I end my mission), trying to sum up everything I've learned in the last 18 months. There has been a lot of growth just in the act of attempting to sum it all up. I have realized even more that I wouldn't trade the world for the experiences I've had, good and bad. In district meeting, our district leader Elder Hendricks shared a quote with us from a Martin handcart company survivor: "The price was worth it to be acquainted with God". That's exactly how I feel about my mission.

2. A spiritual experience you had this week?
This week it was the lesson we had with a reactivating member to help him feel worthy to enter the temple. He is the sort of person to worry about literally everything and want to be perfect in order to start anything and has a lot of regrets about how things have happened in his life. So we taught him about worthiness and exactly what he need to go to the temple. It was very spirit driven and according to his needs.

3. What successes have you had in reaching your weekly goals?
Both of our investigators with a baptism date came to church! It really does look like we're going to make these baptism dates happen! Also a member, Jose, that's getting reactivated just got his limited use temple recommend on sunday! It's a big step in reaching my personal transfer goals: 1 more baptism, and to go do baptisms for the dead with our member that is going through the 90 day program. I think it really will happen. It will take a lot of work but I am determined to end my mission on a high note.

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