Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Missionary Adventures

Last week was an adventure! I...
 - Sat in the car when it was pouring rain (cats and dogs and then some! We were soaking wet after just running to the car with an umbrella!) waiting for some of the elders to get a prescription for strep throat (Don't get sick on a mission. It's the worst!)
 - Went to my first zone conference and learned a lot for myself and for my investigators and the mission president taught us a drinking game (Captain Puff). It was with water. No worries. :)
 - turned 22 years old. Don't let anyone tell you you can't celebrate your birthday on you mission. It's possible! My companion surprised me by decorating my desk. And the person we had dinner with surprised me with a tres leches cake!
 - Found a wonderful investigator. He specifically and sincerely asked us about who Christ is, and how He can help us change our nature, and what he needs to do to get there. This is how you make a missionary's day. Never believe that no one's interested in the church!
 - drew a bird weasel. My (not so) little brother randomly wondered what a bird weasel looks like so I took him up on the challenge. I almost forgot how much I love drawing and bringing my imagination to life. Enjoy!

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Church Tours and Enduring Testimonies

This week we gave our first church tour to some of our investigators. It was a really good experience and I'm excited for the opportunity to try that again with some other investigators. If they come to the church once, they can come on Sunday, right?
We showed them some of the paintings on the walls, the classrooms, etc and our final destination was the chapel. The Spirit was really strong in there. We talked about church services and sat in front of the sacrament table. We had one of the investigators read the sacrament prayers. We explained the promises we make as we take the sacrament and the great gift of always having the Spirit to be with us. After that, I was about to stand up, but couldn't. I felt like I should stay for a while. After a few seconds, they said that they really like this church. They compared it to the other churches they have been to and said that our church follows the Bible the most. eg. we have baptism by immersion, no crosses, no images to focus on in the chapel, everyone's invited.We hope this church tour idea will help more people to get to church, or at least plant a seed of desire. People really like it as soon as they actually get there, but "stuff" keeps getting in the way.
We also went to visit a lot of less active families this week. One was a really frail old lady who is the mother of one of the active members in the ward. It was a really long drive and at first we weren't even sure why we were out there. But it looks like there's a lot to be said for just the fact that we came. The family told us that they hadn't had missionaries at their house for years, and the last missionaries that came over found them by accident and didn't speak Spanish. It was really exciting seeing that less active member at church.
Another less active family we visited and invited to church was really interesting. He was doing everything a faithful LDS member would do, except for church. He was offended by someone at church and hadn't come back since. We shared Alma 32:27 with him and he got really emotional. He testified of the truth of the gospel and of the church and he knew he needed to go to church. What was really sad was that he felt like such a hypocrite not going to church even though he believed and he knows what he needs to do, but he won't do it.
It reminds me of something one of my drawing teachers at BYU-Idaho (Bro. Leon Parson) taught me: "Who's the boss, you or the drawing/subject/reference photo/other things outside of yourself?" We really do have more power to design things around us than we think. You can make a beautiful drawing of something ugly. You can work with less than ideal circumstances to make something beautiful. I think it's a very good question to ask in all aspects of life. "Who's the boss, you, or the things that stand in your way?" Everyone knows what the correct answer is.
I also have a testimony that the Spirit influences investigators/those we teach to say what needs to be said and answer their own questions and doubts. We shared a scripture with a less active family and asked them how they can exercise faith in their lives. After the father read the scripture aloud, he started talking about how the church makes such a big difference for the rest of the week, and how important it is. He talked about the great opportunity we have to take the Sacrament. We didn't know what we were supposed to teach them, but they answered their own questions.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Double weekly update

Week 4
The hospitality of people astounds me. Last week we met a couple investigators and taught them. They gave us a bunch of chicken from the grill and were very nice. We came over to teach them again and they gave us a bunch of food and invited us in their home and said "mi casa es su casa". That doesn't happen everywhere! Oh, and everyone gives us water bottles. I think I have 7 now.
Oh, and I found a funny unintended pun: We found a sign on someone's door that said "No soliciting or religious groups. No acceptions." I would have a picture if I didn't happen to be proselyting at the time. Either it's a grievous misspelling or there are no exceptions to the fact that no one will be accepted.
And I went on my first companion exchange a few days ago. The mission president has called a bunch of sisters in the mission as essentially the female equivalent of zone leaders so they can go on exchanges with all the sister missionaries, see how they're doing, and give feedback. It's about time, especially since I'm one of the first of a huge wave of sister missionaries. Anyway, she was English speaking, and it was crazy how big of a difference there is in the teaching environment and the culture.
Week 5
According to my MTC district's monthly update, I am a rapper. While that isn't true, I did bust out some rhymes.
We're going out yonder
to Ponder (TX)
cause that's where we wander
it makes the heart fonder
we want to stay longer
and we become much stronger
so down the street we saunter
out yonder in Ponder
where the grass grows longer.
Oh, and we were taught by an apostle, Elder Cook. It was amazing. :)

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