Monday, December 2, 2013

Crazy happenings this week

 - I had ceviche for the first time. It's raw fish (usually shrimp or tilapia) that's "cooked" in lime juice for 45 minutes and combined with tomatoes and onions. I really like it! Nice and fresh and filling and especially good with cilantro and hot sauce.

 - I'm doing better with sight reading than ever. It surprises me every time I play that I'm more able to just keep going and keep playing christmas hymns even though I only know 2.

 - I'm getting bolder than ever. There's been more times where I've been able to tell people clearly and frankly that there's not a single church with authority from God except for this church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Every day I'm more and more grateful for the opportunity to say stuff like...
 - I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have glorified resurrected bodies
 - I know that Jesus Christ descended below all things so He can lift us up.
 - I know that this is the only church with authority from God.
 - I know that we don't worship la virgen Maria or Guadalupe
 - I know that God's name is not Jehovah, and that Jehovah is the premortal Christ.
 - I know that you don't have to pray to saints to make sure God will listen to you.
 - I know that you can truly talk to God. He doesn't want memorized prayers or rosaries (even though these have good intentions). He want to hear your thoughts, feelings, desires, hopes, and dreams. He wants a relationship with you.
 - I know that the Book of Mormon is not the Mormon bible, but another testament of Jesus Christ, an evidence that God talks to us yesterday, today and forever. 

 - we had a hodgepodge thanksgiving. We had thanksgiving dinner with a less active member and her family. The food was part Colombian, part Puerto Rican with one random dish from Pakistan. Yep. And it was a reminder that no matter how much my social skills improve, parties still give me a headache. I couldn't hear anyone clearly with everyone else talking and the music going and I was still at a loss for what to say and after 1.5 hours I was glad to leave. But lots of good people and decent food.

 - I'm almost done reading the New Testament (I started in 2 Corinthians and am wrapping my way around). I happen to be in Acts right now. The boldness of the apostles (particularly Peter) and the other disciples amazes me. So many miracles and examples of missionary work and I believe it's still possible today.

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